Friday 22 July 2016

Top Adwords Campaign Mistakes By PPC Beginners

An Adwords campaign is the lifeline of the digital marketing strategy of any product or entity. Until and unless your product has made a strong digital presence, you cannot be sure of accumulating quality buyers and consumers for your product. Therefore, it is important to craft a powerful SEO strategy and AdWord campaign that serve as a great launch pad for your product. Amongst this rat race of achieving the top slot in the winning ladder, marketers especially newbies tend to make silly mistakes. 

Pay Per Click Mistakes by beginners
        Image Source :-

Here are a few pointers on the top 5 Adwords campaign mistakes by newbies that can be easily avoided.  

Since Adwords is a vast sea of opportunities and has the immense scope of experimentation. In excitement and enthusiasm, beginners tend to select wrong strategies that can adversely affect their campaign.

Not Putting Conversion Code on their Site:

conversion code - ppc mistake

Most AdWords experts and beginner even don't know about conversion code and where to put it on the site, which is the right place. After signup, the form the customer jump on Thankyou page or successful page, Create a conversion code and put it into the body of the page. So this the first step Before setup campaigns for your business.
Conversions help you to find which keywords are working for your business and then you can bid on them to improve ppc campaign performance. 

Selecting the Wrong Keyword: 

wrong keyword choose - adwords mistakes

Keywords are the essence of an AdWord campaign and hence, rather than focusing on the most searched keyword, it is important to put target specific keywords which will ensure that your budget will be consumed properly and did not get wasted on the broad match keyword and hence, a high rate of conversion. Try to use Phrase match and relevant keywords to your business. 

If you run an institute of Digital Marketing Course then use this keyword is phrase forms like this


1. "Digital Marketing Course"

2. "Digital marketing Course in Delhi"

3. "Digital Marketing Certification Course"

4. "Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi"

Time Spent on Accounts: 

time spent on account - top adwords mistakes

It is seen that in case the managers have multiple accounts, they get lost while maintaining each and every account. The time should be managed properly so that the manager should get an idea about how and when the accounts should be modified depending upon the performance. Each and every account should be given enough time and relevant keywords should be targeted appropriately. 

   Managing Ads: 

managing ads in wrong way - pay per click mistakes

Ads bring in a lot of traffic and play a major role in the creating a strong presence of your brand. Therefore, it is important to optimize it from time to time to generate revenue and reap maximum benefit from it. Creating an ad and keeping it at halt is of no use until you keep an eye on it and regularly modify it accordingly. Use call to actions like shop now, order today, visit us etc. and If you selling any product then mention the price in the title text copy, this helps the visitors to the worth of buying. 

Creating a Landing Page: 

landing page problem - adwords mistakes

No matter how effective is your company website, until and unless you create a solely dedicated landing page for your product, conversions will not take place. Many beginners & optimizers forget the importance of the landing page and let their campaign suffer. Sometimes they target the home page, about us or contact us page while targeting.

Keyword Management: 

wrong keyword management - ppc mistakes by begginers
    image sources: Pixabay 

The management of each keyword is as important as the selection of a keyword. Hence, instead of making broad categories of a keyword which are highly searchable, one should always focus on making subgroups of keywords that are related to each other. This way you budget will be spent judiciously and your quality score will get improved. 

These are the top 6 AdWords mistake by the newbies that inhibit them from achieving high ROI. Apart from these, it is also important to Believe in Your Brand: As a brand promoter, it is imperative that the account manager should be bidding on the brand. 

This way we are inhibiting our competitors from bidding on it and hence, we are saving our budget and utilizing it judiciously. Monitoring: A regular monitoring on landing pages, ads and keywords shuffling are highly important in every account. This will not only keep your accounts on track but the feedback will let you make qualitative changes for increasing the quality score of keywords and getting more conversions with Adwords campaign. Setting Short-term and long-term objectives: Your AdWords campaign should have fixed goals and objectives so that the optimizer can have a fair idea as to what they are directed towards. 

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