Wednesday 28 September 2016

5 Mistakes You Need To Avoid For Digital Marketing Campaign

In order to boost your marketing campaign, it is imperative to target the digital platform. The entire world is operating their business on the internet. Whether it is health care, education, emergency services, beauty or corporate, digital marketing or social media platforms, each medium has carved its own niche. In this regard, every company whether a small enterprise or a huge conglomerate has a marketing campaign that has the capability to turn tables. 

However, in an attempt to step up the digital ladder, many companies make silly mistakes that can ruin their campaign. We’ve collated 5 mistakes that one needs to avoid for a digital marketing campaign. Here’s a snapshot-

  • Ignoring Goals & Aims: In order to make a project successful, it is important to set some goals and objectives. The team should be clear about their short term and long-term objectives and what they have to achieve through the marketing campaign. A plan without any aim will go nowhere. Therefore, companies that lack the vision and goals of any digital marketing project not only waste money but time and resources as well.
Digital Marketing Campaign
Image Source: Pixabay

  • Focusing on The Target Audience: Some marketers focus on increasing the traffic on the websites but they forget to target the relevant audience that has the capability to become the actual customers. A broad target group will just increase the traffic on the site and will not spend time on the website if it is not of their interest and it is of no use to get traffic without generating any ROI from them. Therefore, it is important to focus on the selective audience to get the best out of the campaign.

  • Negating the Importance of Email Marketing: It is true that in the era of mobile marketing and social media platforms, people have forgotten the importance of email marketing. However, it is one of the best and effective digital marketing strategies as an EDM campaign will remind your audience about the product and give them all the relevant information easily. In addition to various other digital platforms, email marketing is equally important.

  • Not Using Social Media Marketing Up to Its Full Potential: Although, everybody is using social media marketing whether it is Facebook, Twitter or Instagram etc. However, only some of them use these platforms up to their maximum potential. Grabbing followers and increasing likes does not add up positively to the campaign until and unless you have a higher engagement quotient with your followers.
  • Not So Impressive Landing Page: A landing page is the short, crisp and the most appropriate summary of the company selling its products and services. A bland, simple and not so attractive landing page will not attract an audience on your page but take away the popularity of the product. Hence, an impressive landing page will add on to the success of the digital marketing campaign.
These were the basic 5 mistakes you need to avoid for the digital marketing campaign. No matter how basic these might sound, but by taking care of these minor mistakes, you can really rev up your marketing campaign.

Saturday 30 July 2016

9 Powerful Off-Page SEO Methods For The Better Organic Rank

The Off-Page SEO Technique is one of the SEO techniques that can improvise the position of the website in Search Engine Result Page (SERP). This technique helps to augment the online business by giving more visibility to the site in the search engines. These are the activities that are performed by the users to raise the rank of the webpage in the search engines.

How is the Rank Determined by the use of Off-Page SEO 

The Google determines the ranking of the site by the natural links, social shares that it gets, the links are more important than the content of the page. Site owners should therefore carefully prepare the site and fetch with complete details in the beginning. It is important to optimize the on-page work first in order to get good ranking; this means the page should be nicely linked with the relevant keywords. It’s not just the quantity of links but also the quality of links which are important.

off page seo practices by experts

There are lot of SEO Off-Page Techniques that help to improve the position of the site some of them are as follows:

  • The Social Bookmarking Site: This is the best way to get heavy traffic as when a webpage is bookmarked it becomes popular among the users. Google count the quality bookmarks from the quality site while taking site rank.
  • The Social Media Engagement: This platform helps to make your website or business popular among the people. It increases your presence and establishes connections on social sites. Through this, you increase the trust flow of your site. So there is top social networking sites sites list online by dsdm which helps your business visibility. So make an account and add your website URL in your personal profile. 
  • Forum Submission: Participation in this helps in establishing a connection with the community related to your business. Here you can answer to the queries of the people by replying to their threads with relevant links of your site.  
  • Submission of Article: Those who are interested in getting more traffic must submit the article in High DA Article submission directories. The article should be unique with less number of keywords and 2 anchor text only. Write up to 500 to 600 words article and submit it to high authority article sites. These sites will give more value to your links.
  • Question and Answers: Question and Answers are another interesting way of augmenting traffic to your webpage. You can search for the questions related to your work from any high DA questions websites example: Quora, Yahoo Answers etc.
  • Image Submission: You can share images with the image submission sites and compliment it with proper titles and correct URL. 
  • Submission of Infographics: Infographic submission is also very helpful. The infographics can be submitted on the infographic submission websites along with the link or URL.
  • Video Submission: Videos can be submitted on the famous video submission websites like youtube, Dailymotion and can help you make your video popular. The videos must be submitted with an appropriate tagline, heading and correct URL, If possible then write something about video and leave your site URL thei. Since all the video websites have very high PR, therefore, this helps in getting quality links. 

The Off-Page Seo Strategies tell search engine Google as to what opinion do people keep about your website. It is the traffic to your site which then determines your rank and positions your webpage. This SEO technique can be very helpful for you if you are new to the online world business. If you are the newbie in this SEO Marketing and want to improve your skills then click here and opt for the short-term course with affordable fee structure.

Friday 22 July 2016

Top Adwords Campaign Mistakes By PPC Beginners

An Adwords campaign is the lifeline of the digital marketing strategy of any product or entity. Until and unless your product has made a strong digital presence, you cannot be sure of accumulating quality buyers and consumers for your product. Therefore, it is important to craft a powerful SEO strategy and AdWord campaign that serve as a great launch pad for your product. Amongst this rat race of achieving the top slot in the winning ladder, marketers especially newbies tend to make silly mistakes. 

Pay Per Click Mistakes by beginners
        Image Source :-

Here are a few pointers on the top 5 Adwords campaign mistakes by newbies that can be easily avoided.  

Since Adwords is a vast sea of opportunities and has the immense scope of experimentation. In excitement and enthusiasm, beginners tend to select wrong strategies that can adversely affect their campaign.

Not Putting Conversion Code on their Site:

conversion code - ppc mistake

Most AdWords experts and beginner even don't know about conversion code and where to put it on the site, which is the right place. After signup, the form the customer jump on Thankyou page or successful page, Create a conversion code and put it into the body of the page. So this the first step Before setup campaigns for your business.
Conversions help you to find which keywords are working for your business and then you can bid on them to improve ppc campaign performance. 

Selecting the Wrong Keyword: 

wrong keyword choose - adwords mistakes

Keywords are the essence of an AdWord campaign and hence, rather than focusing on the most searched keyword, it is important to put target specific keywords which will ensure that your budget will be consumed properly and did not get wasted on the broad match keyword and hence, a high rate of conversion. Try to use Phrase match and relevant keywords to your business. 

If you run an institute of Digital Marketing Course then use this keyword is phrase forms like this


1. "Digital Marketing Course"

2. "Digital marketing Course in Delhi"

3. "Digital Marketing Certification Course"

4. "Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi"

Time Spent on Accounts: 

time spent on account - top adwords mistakes

It is seen that in case the managers have multiple accounts, they get lost while maintaining each and every account. The time should be managed properly so that the manager should get an idea about how and when the accounts should be modified depending upon the performance. Each and every account should be given enough time and relevant keywords should be targeted appropriately. 

   Managing Ads: 

managing ads in wrong way - pay per click mistakes

Ads bring in a lot of traffic and play a major role in the creating a strong presence of your brand. Therefore, it is important to optimize it from time to time to generate revenue and reap maximum benefit from it. Creating an ad and keeping it at halt is of no use until you keep an eye on it and regularly modify it accordingly. Use call to actions like shop now, order today, visit us etc. and If you selling any product then mention the price in the title text copy, this helps the visitors to the worth of buying. 

Creating a Landing Page: 

landing page problem - adwords mistakes

No matter how effective is your company website, until and unless you create a solely dedicated landing page for your product, conversions will not take place. Many beginners & optimizers forget the importance of the landing page and let their campaign suffer. Sometimes they target the home page, about us or contact us page while targeting.

Keyword Management: 

wrong keyword management - ppc mistakes by begginers
    image sources: Pixabay 

The management of each keyword is as important as the selection of a keyword. Hence, instead of making broad categories of a keyword which are highly searchable, one should always focus on making subgroups of keywords that are related to each other. This way you budget will be spent judiciously and your quality score will get improved. 

These are the top 6 AdWords mistake by the newbies that inhibit them from achieving high ROI. Apart from these, it is also important to Believe in Your Brand: As a brand promoter, it is imperative that the account manager should be bidding on the brand. 

This way we are inhibiting our competitors from bidding on it and hence, we are saving our budget and utilizing it judiciously. Monitoring: A regular monitoring on landing pages, ads and keywords shuffling are highly important in every account. This will not only keep your accounts on track but the feedback will let you make qualitative changes for increasing the quality score of keywords and getting more conversions with Adwords campaign. Setting Short-term and long-term objectives: Your AdWords campaign should have fixed goals and objectives so that the optimizer can have a fair idea as to what they are directed towards. 

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Benefits of a Digital Marketing Course

The dotcom bubble gave lots of people hope, albeit a false one. That hope was dashed to the ground when the bubble burst. This brought about some major changes in the world of e-commerce. It also resulted in the birth of digital marketing. It became obvious to marketers that things were changing. Having an online presence became an absolute necessity instead of an optional luxury for businesses.

The Origins of Digital Marketing Courses

However, there was a problem when it came to actually study this new marketing technique. After all, it hadn’t existed before. That created a lot of confusion among the colleges and schools such as digital marketing institute in Delhi who wanted to offer courses on this new technique. They ended up formulating a program with bits and pieces of marketing thrown in. These programs were meant for people who already had a qualification in traditional marketing. They simply tried to introduce the various facets of digital marketing into the existing multimedia courses. Of course, these weren’t good enough.

It wasn’t until later that the colleges and schools understood the actual importance of a qualified expert and an advanced course.

Digital Marketers Provide the Competitive Advantage

By getting a digital marketer, companies can enjoy a rather major advantage over the rival companies and competition. Most of these other companies might still be outsourcing their digital marketing needs to other people.

The fact is that competition over the internet has increased quite tremendously in recent years. If a company has not taken the steps to establish a strong online presence with a proper structure, then they run a significant risk of falling behind. If there one person who can change this situation completely, it is a digital marketer who has been trained fully by a Delhi school of Digital marketing and is equipped with the right set of skills.
In other words, there will certainly be good jobs available if you complete a digital marketing certification course.

Getting Into a Digital Marketing Course

These days, there are a variety of digital marketing courses available. You can find these courses in the postgraduate level and the diploma level as well. If you have already completed your training and got your degree for traditional marketing, you do not need to complete the course again. All you require is an intensive introduction to digital marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing Courses

There are primarily two types of digital marketing techniques. One is pulling digital marketing and the other is push digital marketing. You can easily find classes on both of these techniques. Of course, you need to know what they are first so that you can come to an informed decision.

Pull Digital Marketing: This marketing technique focuses on the user. It will be the user who seeks and searches out the content by browsing the web. In other words, the user will be pulling out the content. Streaming media and blogs are fine examples of this technique. Additionally, there are no restrictions on pull digital marketing or the size and type of content. On the other hand, the webmaster has to put in a lot of effort in marketing to get the users.


  • Content Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Search Engine (SEO)

Push Digital Marketing: This marketing technique is about the marketer as well as the audience. SMS and emails are good examples of this technique. Here, the marketer is responsible for delivering the content to the audience and users. This is a more personalized form of marketing which makes it suitable for targeting specific audiences. However, there are regulations in place that must be followed.

Examples : 

  • Email Marketing
  • Display and Remarketing
  • SMS Marketing
  • App Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Lead Generation

There is no denying that a Best Digital Marketing Institute in West Delhi can be very beneficial for your career.