Wednesday 22 June 2016

Benefits of a Digital Marketing Course

The dotcom bubble gave lots of people hope, albeit a false one. That hope was dashed to the ground when the bubble burst. This brought about some major changes in the world of e-commerce. It also resulted in the birth of digital marketing. It became obvious to marketers that things were changing. Having an online presence became an absolute necessity instead of an optional luxury for businesses.

The Origins of Digital Marketing Courses

However, there was a problem when it came to actually study this new marketing technique. After all, it hadn’t existed before. That created a lot of confusion among the colleges and schools such as digital marketing institute in Delhi who wanted to offer courses on this new technique. They ended up formulating a program with bits and pieces of marketing thrown in. These programs were meant for people who already had a qualification in traditional marketing. They simply tried to introduce the various facets of digital marketing into the existing multimedia courses. Of course, these weren’t good enough.

It wasn’t until later that the colleges and schools understood the actual importance of a qualified expert and an advanced course.

Digital Marketers Provide the Competitive Advantage

By getting a digital marketer, companies can enjoy a rather major advantage over the rival companies and competition. Most of these other companies might still be outsourcing their digital marketing needs to other people.

The fact is that competition over the internet has increased quite tremendously in recent years. If a company has not taken the steps to establish a strong online presence with a proper structure, then they run a significant risk of falling behind. If there one person who can change this situation completely, it is a digital marketer who has been trained fully by a Delhi school of Digital marketing and is equipped with the right set of skills.
In other words, there will certainly be good jobs available if you complete a digital marketing certification course.

Getting Into a Digital Marketing Course

These days, there are a variety of digital marketing courses available. You can find these courses in the postgraduate level and the diploma level as well. If you have already completed your training and got your degree for traditional marketing, you do not need to complete the course again. All you require is an intensive introduction to digital marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing Courses

There are primarily two types of digital marketing techniques. One is pulling digital marketing and the other is push digital marketing. You can easily find classes on both of these techniques. Of course, you need to know what they are first so that you can come to an informed decision.

Pull Digital Marketing: This marketing technique focuses on the user. It will be the user who seeks and searches out the content by browsing the web. In other words, the user will be pulling out the content. Streaming media and blogs are fine examples of this technique. Additionally, there are no restrictions on pull digital marketing or the size and type of content. On the other hand, the webmaster has to put in a lot of effort in marketing to get the users.


  • Content Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Search Engine (SEO)

Push Digital Marketing: This marketing technique is about the marketer as well as the audience. SMS and emails are good examples of this technique. Here, the marketer is responsible for delivering the content to the audience and users. This is a more personalized form of marketing which makes it suitable for targeting specific audiences. However, there are regulations in place that must be followed.

Examples : 

  • Email Marketing
  • Display and Remarketing
  • SMS Marketing
  • App Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Lead Generation

There is no denying that a Best Digital Marketing Institute in West Delhi can be very beneficial for your career.